Roberta's House
Roberta’s House is a non-profit community organization located in Baltimore City and is dedicated to healing the hearts and minds of children and their families who are grieving the death of a loved one.

About Roberta's House
Roberta’s House was founded in June of 2007 in memory of the late Julia Roberta March, by her children. Julia Roberta March, was the matriarch and co-founder of the March Funeral Homes in Baltimore, Maryland. She and her husband, William C. March, were successful business owners that began in 1957 and was well known for their compassion and giving spirit. Thousands of families were served out of their small row- house funeral home because of their commitment to providing dignified, affordable services to low income families.
Roberta's House is a safe place where children, teens and adults discover that they are not alone in their grief. Children with their families share their feelings, memories and experiences in an atmosphere of acceptance with the love and support of trained volunteers.
The volunteers of Roberta’s house, along with a staff of professionals, assist children, teens and adults on how to experience and express their feelings safely and in a healthy manner. The Children work in small age appropriate groups utilizing creative activities to identify feelings and needs. The Adults share in groups and are given resources to support them in their journey. By working through the necessary grief task and understanding the essential needs of a child's grief, it allows families to support each other and communicate more effectively.
At Roberta's House, we believe every individual has the capability of healing and positive memories can become the motivation to live fully and purposefully. The children/families and adults can receive the support they need and look to the future with confidence and hopeful anticipation to develop quality relationships.
Roberta's House Programs
Roberta's House offers several programs, all designed with the focus of restoring children and families to a place of wholeness as they experience grieving the loss of a loved one through the development of healthy coping skills that lead to positive outcomes.
For more information on the various programs offered, please click on one of the links below: